Saturday, August 23, 2008

went cycling just now with darren, daniel and shiun at east coast. its been raining for the whole day but we still went cycle, its just damn fun to ride when the rain is pouring dwn, at least its something i nvr tried before. then after that, went to the jetty to rest awhile. it just feels kind of good to simply look at the vast ocean, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the night view over there, putting aside all the stress of exams and relax. looking at the ocean just makes every trouble we have seems so small, they are just so insignificant as compared to the wrath of nature...

then, went on to parkway parade for dinner at ljs. i sometimes just wonder why there seems to be a never-ending flow of stuffs for us to talk about but in sch, its just so hard to even start a conversation topic with someone. its probably becos we've know each other for 6 yrs. at times, i just hate myself for not being able to speak up as much as i could when im with them, in sch. sometimes i've to even think very hard for a topic to talk about so that i wont be left out. i do not want my friends to feel bored when they are with me and eventually, leave me alone to rot. but its tiring to do so, being someone that u aint...

i want all my friends to know that i cherish everyone of them and im glad that ive found u ppl.

ok, i shall stop emoing here. photos for today =D

"dont take my photo pls. i shy."

"nb, see what see, want fight ah?"

"catch me if u can. =D"

"dont make me throw shoe at u."

"i handsome anot?"

"this drink damn nice. *sucking"

"of cos nice la. i got 3 drinks, u only got 1 =P"

"so tired. *sleeping..."

everyone have a story behind them
and i learnt yours today

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