Monday, October 5, 2009

theres seriously something wrong with certain people. was working in macs just now for a promotion going on between starhub and macs and i was suppose to go around to ask the ppl there if they are interested to sign up for starhub tv on their mobile phones. ok now, ppl go macs is to makan and in order to start promoting, u have to wait for them to at least eat finish right? then in order to see who eat finish u have to stand at a place whereby u can see the whole macs in one glance. so i was standing there, then someone called the macs and the manager answered. and u know what, its a complaint against me frm a certain customer. now u must be thinking that its me being rude, but hell no. that customer complain that i damn block way. wth. how big can a mcdonalds be? and the starhub boss was telling me not to stand outside of the mcdonalds in case the security guard complain me. so in the end, i was made to stand somewhere at the entrance but not outside so that no one will complain, which in my opinion, that spot is even more block road. ok im done ranting. and just to add on, theres this worker in macs which is in his early 30s frm dont know what country who i think was very nice cos he kept talking to me. then wth, he asked if he could come my house a few days later when we just met for a few hours ago. hell no man.

edit: ok die. 'hi wenjian what u doing right now this is jon at mcd..' and i have to see him next week. noooooooooo.

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